
Be happy!! :)

Exactly as it was agreed.. one year we spend Christmas in England, the following one we're in Portugal!!
Of course we all know that "time flies when you're having fun", but Christmas passes specially fast! It was great to visit my family, spend Christmas with them this year, get to see some of my "old friends" and drive for miles and miles to show a little more of beautiful Portugal to my sweetheart! ;)

It was truly good, but a week is very short! Proved once again.. a week on holidays is much shorter than a week at work!.. Scientifically proved, no arguments or discussions are necessary! :D

Friendly faces, smiles and hugs that say it all, from those who know you since you were little.. Even without going anything special or going anywhere different, little things like these do change my mood and re-charge all the energy I need for a few more months! Don't take me wrongly.. I love living in England and there are plenty of good things here too, but "going home" is like an injection of adrenaline, a big fix I need from time to time!! :))

A few days after coming back, the year was about to finish, so I sent a note to my friends by email..

"Before this year vanishes and the new one starts, I want to wish you a brilliant start in 2011! I truly hope that the new year pampers you as much as you wish, bringing everything you wish the most.. health, love,
happiness, success, great energy.. but most of all I’d like to wish that you have the strength and the courage to change life in 2011 when it all seems to be going wrong!! Is it too much to ask for?

It’s easy to “wish all the best” for those we love (and I really do!), but what I really want to wish for you this year is the “stubbornness” to keep driving your life where you want it to go!!

Complain, shout, blame the government, the economic crisis, the politicians, the unemployment levels, the weather, the snow and the cold, the darkness and the short days (only applicable half of the year!.. hehe..), complain and blame whatever you want to blame, when it goes wrong.. But have then the courage and the strength to stop and to calmly understand what you can change, for life to be much better! Don’t be afraid to be happy, fight for what you want, be brave and risk it all! And smile, no matter what, smile.. :)) It won’t get worse if you do!"

I made my 12 wishes list for 2011 [Shall I say my "12 resolutions", instead? ;) ] and I'm really going to stick to them!!! According to the tradition, at midnight on New Year's eve I ate 12 raisins and asked for one wish on each! :D

Check this video.. May this new year be filled with all of these very important things!!! :)))

All the best for this new year!! May it be truly great!! A super hug and a great start in 2011!!

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